Create Account

Once you click on Create Customer button, it will show you page to create new account like below screenshot. Enter appropriate information in page and click on save button to create account successfully.

For creating resellers, admins and sub-admins, we have similar process.


Create Customer Account Form Fields Details:


Also referred as User Name,Card Number or ID is typically a 10 unique digits that identify an account into the system.

Length of account number is configurable, admin can change it from global configuration.

Password The password that needs to be provided to the customer so he/she can log into portal.
Pin Calling Card Pin Important if customer is using calling card feature. Length of pin is configurable, admin can change it from calling card configuration.
FirstName Customer First name
LastName Customer Last name
Company Customer Company name
Telephone Customer Telephone number
Country Customer Country
Timezone Customer Timezone
Status Customer account status
Max Channels Maximum allowed concurrent channels for outbound calls. 0=Unlimited
Number Translation If you wish to translate number with some defined number for specific customer then use this feature.
First Used Customer account’s first used date and time. It will be updated when customer will do first call from system.
Expiry Date Customer account’s expiry date. After that date, customer wouldn’t be able to make new calls.
Valid Days Valid days for customer account.
Create SIP Device By selecting check-box sip device is automatically created for that new user account.
Rate Group Rate group is an essential field for billing. Without rate group customer wouldn’t be able to make any calls. You can create rate group by navigating to Tariff -> Rate group.
Billing Schedule Billing schedule for invoice generation.
Billing Day If billing schedule is monthly then you will be able to define the day on which you want customer invoice should be generated.
Currency Customer account’s currency. If customer currency is INR then all amounts will appear in INR in customer portal.
Account Type Select customer account type. Prepaid OR Postpaid. For prepaid customers, system will generate receipts as soon as any charges will be applied to them. For Postpaid, system will generate invoice on defined Billing Day.
Credit Limit Customer account’s credit limit. Credit limit is only used for the postpaid account.
Tax Select applicable taxes You can create taxes from Configuration -> Taxes.
Low Balance Alert Define low balance amount on which you want to send notification to customer.
Enable Email Alerts? system will notify for Low credit if this option is set to Yes.
Email Address E-mail address to get Low credit notification.

image How to create customer